Saat bekerja menggunakan inkscape kita sering menggunakan mouse untuk memilih fitur yang diinginkan namun jika cara tersebut dilakukan berulang-ulang tentu menjadi hal yang kurang efektif. Untuk itu Shortcuts atau pintasan-pintasan menjadi pilihan untuk mempersingkat waktu. Berikut 300 lebih pintasan yang tersedia.
1. Dialog
Shift+Ctrl+F | Fill and Stroke |
Shift+Ctrl+W | Swatches |
Shift+Ctrl+T | Text and Font |
Shift+Ctrl+M | Transform |
Shift+Ctrl+L | Layers |
Shift+Ctrl+A | Align and Distribute |
Shift+Ctrl+O | Object Properties |
Shift+Ctrl+H | Undo history |
Shift+Ctrl+X | XML Editor |
Shift+Ctrl+D | Document Preferences |
Shift+Ctrl+P | Inkscape Preferences |
Shift+Ctrl+E | Export to PNG |
Ctrl+F | Find |
Shift+Alt+B | Trace bitmap |
F12 | Toggle dialogs – This temporarily hides all open dialogs; another F12 shows them again |
Esc | Within a dialog return to the canvas |
Ctrl+F4/Ctrl+W | Within a dialog close the dialog |
Tab | Within a dialog jump to next widget |
Shift+Tab | Within a dialog jump to previous widget |
Enter | Within a dialog set the new value – This accepts the new value you typed in a text field and returns focus to canvas |
Ctrl+Enter | In XML Editor, set the attr value When editing an attribute value in XML Editor, this sets the new value (same as Clicking the Set attribute button) |
SpacebarthenEnter | Activate current button or list |
Ctrl+Page Up/ Ctrl+Page Down | In a multi-tab dialog, switch tabs |
2. Control Bar
Alt+X | Jump to the first editable field |
Enter | Accept the new value |
Esc | Cancel changes, return to canvas |
Ctrl+Z | Cancel changes |
Tab | Jump to next field |
Shift+Tab | Jump to previous field |
Up Arrow/Down Arrow | Change value by 01 |
Page Up/Page Down | Change value by 50 |
3. Canvas
= | Zoom in |
– | Zoom out |
Middle Click, Ctrl+Right Click | Zoom in |
Shift+middle Click, Shift+Right Click | Zoom out |
Ctrl+Mouse wheel | Zoom in or out |
Shift+Middle button Drag | Zoom into the area |
Alt+Z | Activate Zoom field – The Zoom field in the lower left corner of the window allows you to specify Zoom level precisely |
1 | Zoom 1:1 |
2 | Zoom 1:2 |
3 | Zoom to selection |
4 | Zoom to drawing |
5 | Zoom to page |
Ctrl+E,6 | Zoom to page width |
` | Previous Zoom |
Shift+` | Next Zoom |
Ctrl+Arrows | Scroll canvas – Scrolling by keys is accelerated, ie it speeds up when you press Ctrl+Arrows Keys in quick succession, or press and hold |
Middle button Drag | Pan canvas |
Shift+right button drag, Ctrl+right button Drag | Pan canvas |
Mouse wheel | Scroll canvas vertically |
Shift+Mouse wheel | Scroll canvas horizontally |
Mouse Drag | Drag off a ruler to create guide |
|,Shift+\ | Toggle guides and snapping to guides |
#,Shift+3 | Toggle grid and snapping to grid |
Ctrl+keypad 5 | Toggle normal/outline mode |
4. Palette
Click | Set fill color on selection |
Shift+Click | Set stroke color on selection |
Mouse Drag | Drag fill color to objects |
Shift+Mouse Drag | Drag stroke color to objects |
5. File
Ctrl+N | Create new document |
Ctrl+O | Open an SVG document |
Shift+Ctrl+E | Export to PNG |
Ctrl+I | Import bitmap or SVG |
Ctrl+P | Print document |
Ctrl+S | Save document |
Shift+Ctrl+S | Save under a new name |
Shift+Ctrl+Alt+S | Save a copy |
Ctrl+Q | Exit Inkscape |
6. Window
Ctrl+R | Toggle rulers |
Ctrl+B | Toggle scrollbars |
F11 | Toggle fullscreen |
F10 | Main menu |
Shift+F10,Right Click | Drop-down (context) menu |
Ctrl+F4,Ctrl+W | Close document window – This shuts down Inkscape if it was the only document window open |
Ctrl+Tab | Next document window |
Shift+Ctrl+Tab | Previous document window – These cycle through the active document windows forward and backward |
7. Layers
Shift+Page Up | Move to layer above |
Shift+Page Down | Move to layer below |
Shift+Ctrl+Page Up | Raise layer |
Shift+Ctrl+Page Down | Lower layer |
Shift+Ctrl+Home | Raise layer to top |
Shift+Ctrl+End | Lower layer to bottom |
8. Objects
Shift+Ctrl+Y,Ctrl+Z | Undo |
Shift+Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+Y | Redo |
Ctrl+C | Copy selection – This places a copy of the selection to the Inkscape clipboard Text from text objects is also placed onto the system clipboard |
Ctrl+X | Cut selection – This works the same as copy selection followed by deleting the selection |
Ctrl+V | Paste clipboard – This places the clipboard objects at the Mouse cursor, or at the center of the window if Mouse is outside the canvas |
Ctrl+Alt+V | Paste in place – This places the clipboard objects to the original location from which they were copied |
Ctrl+D | Duplicate selection |
Alt+D | Clone object – A clone can be Moved/Scaled/Rotated/skewed independently, but it updates the path, fill, and stroke from its original |
Shift+Alt+D | Unlink clone – Unlinking a clone cuts the link to the original, turning the clone into a plain copy |
Shift+D | Select original – To find out which object this is a clone of, select the clone and give this command The original will be selected |
Alt+B | Create a bitmap copy |
Shift+Alt+B | Trace bitmap – This opens the Trace Bitmap dialog allowing you to convert a bitmap object to path(s) |
Alt+I | Object(s) to pattern – This converts the selection to a rectangle with tiled pattern fill |
Shift+Alt+I | Pattern to object(s) – Each selected object with pattern fill is broken into the same object without fill and a single pattern object |
Shift+Ctrl+U, Ctrl+G | Group selected objects – Use Ctrl+Click to select objects within group |
Shift+Ctrl+G, Ctrl+U | Ungroup selected group(s) – This reMoves only one level of grouping; press Ctrl+U repeatedly to ungroup nested groups |
Home | Raise selection to top |
End | Lower selection to bottom |
Page Up | Raise selection one step |
Page Down | Lower selection one step |
9. Path
Shift+Ctrl+C | Convert selected object(s) to path |
Ctrl+Alt+C | Convert stroke to path |
Ctrl++ | Union – Union combines any number of objects into a single path, removing overlaps |
Ctrl+- | Difference -Difference works on 2 objects, extracting the top from the bottom |
Ctrl+* | Intersection – Intersection creates a path representing the common (overlapping) area of all selected objects |
Ctrl+^ | Exclusive OR (XOR) – XOR is similar to Union, except that it works on 2 objects and reMoves areas where the objects overlap |
Ctrl+/ | Division (cut) – Division cuts the bottom object into pieces by the top object, preserving the fill and stroke of the bottom |
Ctrl+Alt+/ | Cut path |
Ctrl+( | Inset path (towards center) |
Ctrl+) | Outset path (away from center) – The default offset distance is 2 px (SVG pixel units, not screen pixels) |
Alt+( | Inset path by 1 pixel |
Alt+) | Outset path by 1 pixel |
Shift+Alt+( | Inset path by 10 pixels |
Shift+Alt+) | Outset path by 10 pixels – The actual distance for pixel offsets depends on Zoom level Zoom in for finer adjustment |
Ctrl+J | Create dynamic offset |
Ctrl+Alt+J | Create linked offset |
Shift+D | Select source |
Ctrl+K | Combine paths |
Shift+Ctrl+K | Break paths apart – This attempts to break an object into constituent paths; it will fail if the object is one solid path |
Ctrl+L | Simplify |
10. Selector
Tab | Select next object |
Shift+Tab | Select previous object – |
Ctrl+A | Select all (current layer) – This works on objects within the current layer (unless you change that in preferences) |
Ctrl+Alt+A | Select all (all layers) |
! | Invert selection (current layer) |
Alt+! | Invert selection (all layers) |
Esc | Deselect |
BackSpacebar/Del | Delete selection |
Arrow Keys | Move selection by the nudge distance |
Shift+Arrow Keys | Move selection by 10x nudge distance |
Alt+Arrows | Move selection by 1 pixel |
Alt+Shift+Arrows | Move selection by 10 pixels |
> | Scale selection up by the Scale step |
< | Scale selection down by the Scale step |
Ctrl+> | Scale selection to 200% |
Ctrl+< | Scale selection to 50% |
Alt+> | Scale selection up by 1 pixel |
Alt+< | Scale selection down by 1 pixel |
, | Rotate selection by the angle step |
Ctrl+[,Ctrl+] | Rotate selection by 90 degrees |
Alt+[,Alt+] | Rotate selection by 1 pixel |
H | Flip selection horizontally |
V | Flip selection vertically |
Click | Select an object |
Shift+Click | Toggle selection |
Double-Click | Edit the object |
Ctrl+Click | Select within group |
Ctrl+Shift+Click | Toggle selection within group |
Alt+Click | Select under |
Shift+Alt+Click | Toggle under |
Ctrl+Alt+Click | Select under, in groups |
Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Click | Toggle under, in groups |
Ctrl+Enter | Enter group |
Ctrl+BackSpace | Go to parent group/layer |
Mouse Drag | Select multiple objects |
Shift+Mouse Drag | Add objects to selection |
Mouse Drag | Select and Move |
Alt+Mouse Drag | Move selected |
Ctrl+Mouse Drag | Restrict Movement to horizontal or vertical |
Shift+Mouse Drag | Temporarily disable snapping |
Mouse Drag,Spacebar | Drop a copy |
Click | Toggle Scale/rotation handles |
Mouse Drag | Scale (Scale handles) |
Mouse Drag | Rotate or skew (rotation handles) |
Mouse Drag | Scale |
Ctrl+Mouse Drag | Scale preserving aspect ratio |
Shift+Mouse Drag | Symmetric transformation |
Alt+Mouse Drag | Slow Movement |
Mouse Drag | Rotate or skew |
Ctrl+Mouse Drag | Snap skew angle |
Ctrl+Mouse Drag | Snap rotation angle |
Mouse Drag | Move rotation center |
Shift+Click | Reset rotation center |
Esc | Cancel rubberband, Move, transformation |
11. Node Tool
Tab | Select next node |
Shift+Tab | Select previous node |
Ctrl+A | Select all nodes in subpath(s) |
Ctrl+Alt+A | Select all nodes in path |
! | Invert selection in subpath(s) |
Alt+! | Invert selection in path |
Esc | Deselect all nodes |
Arrow Keys | Move selected node(s) by the nudge distance |
Shift+Arrow Keys | Move selected node(s) by 10x nudge distance |
Alt+Arrow Keys | Move selected node(s) by 1 pixel |
Alt+Shift+Arrow Keys | Move selected node(s) by 10 pixels |
</> | Contract/expand both handles by Scale step |
Left Ctrl+<,Left Ctrl+> | Scale left handle by the Scale step |
Right Ctrl+<,Right Ctrl+> | Scale right handle by the Scale step |
Left Alt+</Left Alt+> | Scale left handle by 1 pixel |
Right Alt+</Right Alt+> | Scale right handle by 1 pixel |
[,] | Rotate both handles by the angle step |
Left Ctrl+, Left Ctrl+] | Rotate left handle by the angle step |
Right Ctrl+, Right Ctrl+] | Rotate right handle by the angle step |
Left Alt+, Left Alt+] | Rotate left handle by 1 pixel |
Right Alt+, Right Alt+] | Rotate right handle by 1 pixel |
,/ > | Scale nodes up by the Scale step |
,,/< | Scale nodes down by the Scale step |
Alt+,/Alt+> | Scale nodes up by 1 pixel |
Alt+,,/Alt+< | Scale nodes down by 1 pixel |
[, ] | Rotate nodes by the angle step |
Alt+[,Alt+] | Rotate nodes by 1 pixel |
H | Flip nodes horizontally |
V | Flip nodes vertically |
Shift+L | Make line |
Shift+U | Make curve |
Shift+C | Make cusp |
Shift+S | Make smooth |
Shift+Y | Make symmetric |
Ctrl+Click | Toggle smooth/cusp/symmetric |
Shift+J | Join selected nodes |
Shift+B | Break selected node(s) |
BackSpace/Del | Delete selected node(s) |
Ctrl+BackSpace/Ctrl+Del | Delete without preserving shape |
Ctrl+Alt+Click | Create/delete node |
Double Click | Create node |
Insert | Insert new node(s) |
Shift+D | Duplicate selected node(s) |
Click | Click a non-selected object to select |
Alt+Click | Select under |
Shift+Click | Toggle selection |
Click | Select a node |
Click | Select two adjacent nodes |
Shift+Click | Toggle selection |
Click | Deselect |
Mouse Drag | Select multiple nodes |
Shift+Mouse Drag | Add nodes to selection |
Mouse Drag | Move selected nodes |
Ctrl+Mouse Drag | Restrict Movement to horizontal or vertical |
Ctrl+Alt+Mouse Drag | Move along handles |
Shift+Mouse Drag | Temporarily disable snapping |
Shift+Mouse Drag | Drag out handle |
Mouse Drag | Move a node handle |
Ctrl+Mouse Drag | Snap the handle to angle steps |
Shift+Mouse Drag | Rotate both handles |
Alt+Mouse Drag | Lock the handle length |
Ctrl+Click | Retract the handle |
Shift+R | Reverse path direction |
Esc | Cancel rubberband or Move |
12. Rectangle Tool
Mouse Drag | Draw a rectangle |
Ctrl+Mouse Drag | Make a square or integer-ratio rectangle |
Shift+Mouse Drag | Draw around the starting point |
Click | Click an object to select |
Alt+Click/Ctrl+Alt+Click | Select under |
Shift+Click | Toggle selection |
Mouse Drag | Drag a handle to resize or round corners |
Ctrl+Mouse Drag | Lock width, height, or ratio (resize handles) |
Ctrl+Mouse Drag | Lock the corner circular (rounding handles) |
Esc | Deselect |
13. Ellipse Tool
Mouse Drag | Draw an ellipse |
Ctrl+Mouse Drag | Make circle or integer-ratio ellipse |
Shift+Mouse Drag | Draw around the starting point |
Click | Click an object to select |
Alt+Click,Ctrl+Alt+Click | Select under |
Shift+Click | Toggle selection |
Mouse Drag | Drag a handle to resize, Make arc or segment |
Ctrl+Mouse Drag | Lock circle (resize handles) |
Ctrl+Mouse Drag | Snap to angle steps (arc/segment handles) |
Esc | Deselect |
14. Star Tool
Mouse Drag | Draw a star |
Ctrl+Mouse Drag | Snap star to angle steps |
Click | Click an object to select |
Alt+Click | Sselect under |
Shift+Click | Toggle selection |
Mouse Drag | Drag a handle to vary the star shape |
Ctrl+Mouse Drag | Keep star rays radial (no skew) |
Shift+Mouse Drag | Round the star |
Shift+Click | Remove rounding |
Alt+Mouse Drag | Randomize the star |
Alt+Click,Ctrl+Alt+Click | Remove randomization |
Esc | Deselect |
15. Spiral Tool
Mouse Drag | Draw a spiral |
Ctrl+Mouse Drag | Snap spiral to angle steps |
Click | Click an object to select |
Alt+Click | Select under |
Shift+Click | Toggle selection |
Mouse Drag | Roll/unroll from inside (inner handle) |
Alt+Mouse Drag | Converge/diverge (inner handle) |
Alt+Click, Ctrl+Alt+Click | Reset divergence (inner handle) |
Shift+Click | Zero inner radius (inner handle) |
Mouse Drag | Roll/unroll from outside (outer handle) |
Shift+Mouse Drag | Scale/Rotate (outer handle) |
Ctrl+Mouse Drag | Snap handles to angle steps |
Esc | Deselect |
16. Pen Tool
Click | Create a sharp node |
Shift+Click | Add to selected path |
Mouse Drag | Create a bezier node with two handles |
Shift+Mouse Drag | Move only one handle |
Ctrl+Mouse Drag | Snap the handle to angle steps |
Arrow Keys | Move last node by the nudge distance |
Shift+Arrow Keys | Move last node by 10x nudge distance |
Alt+Arrow Keys | Move last node by 1 pixel |
Alt+Shift+Arrow Keys | Move last node by 10 pixels |
Shift+L | Make last segment line |
Shift+U | Make last segment curve |
Enter | Finish current line |
Right Click | Finish current line |
Double Click | Finish current line |
Esc,Ctrl+Z | Cancel current line |
BackSpace,Del | Erase last segment of current line |
17. Dropper Color
Click | pick fill color |
Shift+Click | pick stroke color |
Mouse Drag | average fill color |
Shift+Mouse Drag | average stroke color |
Alt+Click | pick inverse color |
Ctrl+C | copy color |
18. Caligraphy
Mouse Drag | Draw a calligraphic line |
Left Arrow,Right Arrow | Adjust pen width |
Up Arrow,Down Arrow | Adjust pen angle |
Esc | Deselect |
Mouse Drag | Create gradient |
Double Click | Create default gradient |
Tab | Select next handle |
Shift+Tab | Select previous handle |
Arrow Keys | Move selected handle by the nudge distance |
Shift+Arrow Keys | Move selected handle by 10x nudge distance |
Alt+Arrow Keys | Move selected handle by 1 pixel |
Alt+Shift+Arrow Keys | Move selected handle by 10 pixels |
Esc | Deselect handle |
Double Click | Open gradient editor |
Shift+R | Reverse gradient definition |
Click | Click an object to select |
Alt+Click | Select under |
Shift+Click | Toggle selection |
Created by rank17 on 7/29/2017. Last updated by max on 12/14/2020
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